NILG.AI Named Among Western Europe’s Top B2B Companies for 2021

Here at NILG.AI, we know the importance of AI in transforming and turbocharging success for your business. Many businesses take up AI technology to cut back operational costs, grow revenue, improve efficiency, and provide a better customer experience. For a greater benefit, businesses should look into putting the full range of smart technologies including machine learning, and natural language processing into their services and products.

NILG.AI helps businesses make informed decisions promoting efficient opportunity handling. We adapt the technology to your business by creating bespoke AI solutions so your company can seamlessly integrate data into your daily decisions. We are composed of an experienced team in a wide range of industries with proven knowledge in machine learning, computer vision, just to name a few.

Clutch, a B2B ratings and reviews platform, recently recognized us and we were highlighted as a leader in the big data analytics category for the Portuguese market. Clutch provides quantitative and qualitative analysis on leading services firms which makes this recognition even more honorable.

After learning about this recognition, our CEO had this to say about this amazing award:

We are excited about this recognition. This award encourages us to keep our efforts on delivering top-notch Artificial Intelligence technology to our customers.

We are truly happy for this wonderful award and for the amazing trust and support that our clients have accorded to us. Our clients’ success is our main motivation to continue providing excellent service.

We’d love to know more about your company and how we can help you elevate your business, so don’t hesitate to contact us.

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