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  • Building Great Datasets Course


    Building Great Datasets


    Better decisions require better data. In a world where data is a key asset for your company, let’s be sure you’re betting on the right ones!

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  • Course

    The Machine Learning Spectrum


    Discover how the core Machine Learning paradigms use data, from supervised to unsupervised learning and beyond.

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  • Course, Templates

    Data Ignite


    Looking to mitigate risks in your AI projects? Get access to our methodology, a Design Thinking approach to AI for ideation, validation, execution, and growth of AI projects.

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    The ABCs of Computer Vision


    Master the fundamentals of Computer Vision in this free 1-hour course. Explore the power of image analysis and learn essential techniques and algorithms. Enhance your understanding of object recognition, image segmentation, and more.

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  • Course

    The ABCs of Machine Learning


    Are you curious about what Machine Learning is? A one-hour free course to learn all the core concepts you need to kickstart your journey in Machine Learning.

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