ML System Design: Federated Learning

NILG.AI, together with decided to try a format similar to a Reading Club, where the topic is not a specific paper but an entire research area. After a short discussion, we had a System Design part where the team described a specific use case to apply the new approach. Ideally, the discussion would stick to the format of a typical System Design interview — however, our first exploratory attempt appeared to be rather a freestyle.

In our Session #1, held on 2021–05–27, an ML team from NILG.AI led by Paulo Maia, and an MLOps team from led by Artem Yushkovsky met. The leaders researched the topic preliminarily and prepared a theoretical presentation for ~30-min so that everyone could be on the same page. Then, we had a ~90-minute practical part where both teams discussed technical aspects (both ML and MLOps) of the architecture for a given use-case, putting their thoughts to a Miro board.

The outcomes are shared in a Medium article (7-10 min read), where you can see a high-level overview of the outcomes of this session and the takeaways.

Let us know if you have any comments about this topic!

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