New internships in AI: Privacy-preserving ML and Similarity Learning

We are proud to share that NILG.AI has partnered with the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto (FEUP) through internships in AI as part of curricular units! We have received two new interns, Margarida Vieira and Beatriz Lopes; both enrolled in the Bachelor in Informatics and Computing, tackling two very distinct challenges with us until the summer. We are also happy to count on the help of Professor Luís Teixeira and Carlos Soares from FEUP, co-supervisors of the internship for Margarida and Beatriz, respectively. 

Margarida has been working on a hot topic in AI: privacy-preserving Machine Learning. Our goal is to create accurate models for our clients, having access to a pseudo-anonymized version of the original information. To do so, Margarida is exploring topics such as K-Anonymity, Differential Privacy, and Homomorphic Encryption. 

On the other hand, Beatriz is exploring self-learning techniques for semantic information retrieval, a follow-up project on a previous internship. Information Retrieval is a topic with multiple applications in marketplaces, such as searching for similar products and duplicate detection.

We are constantly exploring new Artificial Intelligence and Data Science ideas to better serve our clients, helping us stay on top of the state-of-the-art. If you or your students want to do internships in AI with us, contact us.

Stay tuned to hear more about these topics!

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