Empowering Future Leaders with AI: NILG.AI at UPdate 2024

NILG.AI's Impactful Participation at UPdate 2024

At NILG.AI, we were recently proud sponsors at UPdate 2024. We lead both a workshop and a lecture by our CEO, Kelwin Fernandes, who has over 15 years of experience in AI. Our goal? To empower future leaders and professionals to navigate the complex yet rewarding terrain of AI with confidence and safety.

UPdate 2024, organized by Porto University’s Science faculty, ran on March 6th and 7th. This is the seventh edition of the event, which aims to expose students to critical tech tools and topics for their future careers.

Our Lecture: The Three Tribes of AI

Our lecture tackled the high failure rate of AI projects—85% don’t succeed. We showed how NILG.AI beats the odds. We discussed the three primary AI approaches, their pros and cons, and how to pick the right one for success. Students are often formatted to have model-centric thinking and, at the most, data-centric thinking. However, this lecture stressed the importance of a business-centric mindset, which is crucial for tackling real-world challenges and succeeding in the process.


Our Workshop: The Business-centric approach to AI

Our workshop (with some astonishing participation) showcased starting AI projects with business objectives at the forefront. With a practical example, we shared how to ensure successful AI projects using the NILG.AI methodology. This session aimed to make AI less intimidating. We demonstrated how AI projects can thrive and achieve business goals through the right questions and focus.

NILG.AI at UPdate 2024 and our Mission

At NILG.AI, our mission transcends mere AI adoption. We aim to help every company worldwide make efficient decisions at scale based on data. Update 2024 was an excellent chance for us to work one step at a time by sharing our knowledge with students who will soon be entering the workforce.

Subscribe to our newsletter for resources and insights about how we’re helping businesses and individuals get ready for the future of AI. Join us as we continue to break down the complexities of AI, making it accessible and useful for everyone.

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