Applying geospatial data for Machine Learning, with a focus on social good

In partnership with Data Science for Social Good Portugal, we are launching a series of webinars in AI topics related to social good. The first talk was by Paulo Maia, on the 28th of June, with the topic “Applying geospatial data for Machine Learning, with a focus on social good”. In case you weren’t able to register in time or attend the talk, it is available on the link below.

The main topics of this talk in Geospatial Machine Learning are:

  • Ways of representing geospatial data as inputs for machine learning models
  • Most common models for doing so
  • Pipeline for spatiotemporal problems and the most common types of problems in the literature
  • Example of possible use cases which use geospatial data (focus on social good issues)
  • Discussion + Q&A



The presented slides are shown below:

Slides are available here.

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