Link to Leaders Awarded NILG.AI Startup of the Month

NILG.AI is Startup of the Month Link to Leaders awarded NILG.AI the Startup of the Month (check news). Beta-i nominated us after winning two of their Open Innovation challenges: VOXPOP Urban Mobility Initiatives and Re-Source. AI with Geospatial Data At VOXPOP, NILG.AI built an AI-based mobility index for wheelchair users for the municipality of Lisbon […]

Written by on Apr 17, 2024

Five Years Helping Entrepreneurs Embrace AI

We celebrate the 5th anniversary of NILG.AI with immense pride and gratitude. Over the years, we’ve embarked on a transformative journey, and today, as we commemorate this milestone, we want to take a moment to reflect on our accomplishments and share our exciting plans for the future. NILG.AI Fifth Anniversary: A Year of Remarkable Achievements […]

Written by on Sep 4, 2023

Insights from UPTEC NON STOP

Last month, we participated in UPTEC NON-STOP, an event celebrating the 15th anniversary of UPTEC. UPTEC is the Science and Technology Park at the University of Porto, where businesses and academia meet to exchange ideas. During the event, local startups incubated at UPTEC (NILG.AI included), and French startups promoted by Accelerateur M pitched their business to […]

Written by on Nov 7, 2022

NILG.AI learning culture

Different companies have different principles and values which define themselves. One core value NILG.AI invests in is team knowledge, both at individual and team levels. We deeply believe that personal growth is a driver for keeping the company thriving. In this blog post, we go through some of the processes we defined to promote Learning […]

Written by on Oct 6, 2022

NILG.AI in the AI community

Connecting and being connected greatly impact how we positively interact with others. At NILG.AI, we are not only focused on helping businesses unlock their capabilities, but we also make our mission sharing with the world how to leverage the power of Artificial Intelligence (AI). This knowledge-centered culture is one of our greatest pride and a […]

Written by on Sep 15, 2022

Clutch Acknowledges NILG.AI for their Stellar AI Development Services in Portugal

When AI is brought up as a topic, people tend to think about robots taking the world and other post-apocalyptic scenarios. The truth is, many companies have been implementing this technology to better improve their services and products. At NILG.AI, we believe that AI is the future. We create bespoke AI solutions that can adapt […]

Written by on Feb 11, 2022

2018, …, 2021, 2022! A review of our path

December and January are the months where we meditate about the path we just covered and the one we are discovering. Below, you will find a coarse picture of our path. Although it hasn’t been a flat straight path, its direction hasn’t changed. We keep committed to building a knowledge-driven reliable ecosystem to make AI […]

Written by on Jan 28, 2022