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  • Kelwin Fernandes
 Kelwin Fernandes

Kelwin Fernandes

  • CEO

I'm passionate about the discovering new ways of using AI in businesses. Let's talk about monetization of AI projects, AI-based digital transformation and data-driven decision making in organizations.
I'm always eager to bring a new perspective to your data-driven initiatives.

  • Knowledge
  • Business
  • Technical
  • Languages
  • English
  • Portuguese
  • Spanish
  • Consultants
  • Management


  • Automotive
  • Financial Services
  • Healthcare
  • Marketing & CRM
  • Real Estate
  • Retail

Areas of Expertise

  • Combinatorial Optimization
  • Computer Vision
  • Decision-making
  • Deep Learning
  • Machine Learning
  • Multimodal Machine Learning
  • Self-Supervised Learning


  • Universidade do Porto Ph.D. Computer Science (Machine Learning) 2014 - 2018
  • Universidad Simón Bolívar BSc. Computer Engineering (summa cum laude) 2007 - 2012

Interests & Hobbies

  • I enjoy reading both fiction and non-fiction books.
  • I always had (and intend to have) dogs.
  • Traveling to new countries, tasting local food and greeting their cultures.
  • Latin music. Have you met an AI geek who can dance salsa before?

Articles by Kelwin

Can Your Business Optimize AI Predictive Models?

Predictive models are transforming the AI landscape. They can forecast future events, identify past occurrences, and even predict present situations. However, building a successful predictive model is not as simple as it seems. To achieve an effective predictive model, you need to consider three crucial moments: the prediction time, the prediction window, and the data […]

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Is Your Business Ready for Generative AI Risks?

Generative AI is a powerful tool that many companies are rushing to incorporate into their operations. However, it’s crucial to understand the possible risks associated with this technology. In this article, we’ll discuss the top nine risks that could impact your business’s readiness for AI integration. Stay ahead of the curve, and make sure you’re […]

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Can the STAR Framework Streamline Your AI Projects?

As a manager dealing with AI projects, you may often find yourself overwhelmed. The constant addition of promising projects to the backlog can lead to a mounting technical debt within your team, forcing you to neglect the core aspects of your business. Here at NILG.AI, we have a solution for this challenge: the STAR framework. […]

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Will AI Impact Your Future Job?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is making waves across all industries and is ready to change every aspect of our professional lives. Today, as we stand on the edge of a technological revolution, the future of AI and its impact on the job market has become a hot topic of discussion. In this article, we’ll offer our […]

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Link to Leaders Awarded NILG.AI Startup of the Month

NILG.AI is Startup of the Month Link to Leaders awarded NILG.AI the Startup of the Month (check news). Beta-i nominated us after winning two of their Open Innovation challenges: VOXPOP Urban Mobility Initiatives and Re-Source. AI with Geospatial Data At VOXPOP, NILG.AI built an AI-based mobility index for wheelchair users for the municipality of Lisbon […]

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Can Machine Learning Revolutionize Your Business?

Today, the buzz around machine learning (ML) is louder than ever. But what is it exactly, and more importantly, can it revolutionize your business? In essence, ML is a technology that empowers machines to learn from data, improve over time, and make predictive decisions. It has the potential to redefine how businesses operate. In this […]

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Can ‘Old but Gold’ Predictions Minimize AI Costs?

There’s a common pattern in artificial intelligence (AI) where large corporations build massive infrastructures to support their AI use cases. The goal is to make quick predictions and constantly update with new data to scale up your infrastructure. However, this approach often overlooks the trade-off between infrastructure cost and the size of the opportunity that […]

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Can AI Revolutionize Your Marketing Strategy?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing the marketing industry today. It can analyze large amounts of data to create tailored experiences, helping companies boost their sales and improve customer satisfaction. In this article, we’ll explore AI’s impact across the different stages of the customer journey and how you can apply it in your marketing. Importance of […]

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Can AI Turn Your Business Risks into Opportunities?

  Facing risks is a part of business. Some risks are so small you might not even notice them, while others are so big they could shut you down. However, thanks to Artificial Intelligence (AI), you can now transform these risks into opportunities. In this article, we’ll show you how to use AI to mitigate […]

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How Often Should You Retrain Machine Learning Models?

A common question in the domain of AI and machine learning is: how often should you retrain machine learning models? The answer isn’t as straightforward as you might think. It’s not a one-size-fits-all solution, but rather a process that requires careful consideration and strategic planning. In this article, we’ll explore three strategies for deciding when […]

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Reject Option: Your AI Model Has the Right to Remain Silent

When it comes to AI models, we often expect them always to provide an answer. But what if we could trust them more when they choose to remain silent? This concept, known as the ‘Reject option‘, allows AI models to abstain from answering when they are not confident, opening up many applications in your business […]

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what does AI mean for your business
What Does Artificial Intelligence Mean For Your Business?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a term on everyone’s lips these days. But it’s not just a buzzword to attract investors and new clients. It’s a transformative technology that can revolutionize your business. But what exactly is AI, and how can it transform your business? Let’s dive in. What is Artificial Intelligence? Artificial Intelligence consists of […]

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7 Reasons Why People Resist AI Models and How to Overcome Them

AI models can potentially revolutionize businesses, but they often face resistance from the very people they’re designed to help. In this article, we’ll explore the seven most common reasons why people resist AI models and provide practical solutions to overcome these challenges. 7 Reasons Why People Resist AI Models In this section, we’ll explain the […]

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Business-centric AI: A New Perspective for Your Company

Coping with the challenge of integrating AI into your business? You’re not alone. Many companies struggle to find the right approach to AI, often getting lost in technical details or data management issues. However, there’s a solution that transcends these common pitfalls: Business-centric AI. This transformative strategy is the perfect way to align your core […]

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Long-term vs. Short-term Predictions in Machine Learning

When building a machine learning model, one of the most common questions is whether to opt for long-term or short-term predictions. In other words, should you build a model that forecasts an event tomorrow or a month from now? Our article will demystify this critical decision-making process. We’ll walk you through a strategic approach that […]

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Who to Hire First for Your AI Team: Data Analyst, Scientist or Engineer?

Building an AI team can be daunting, especially when you’re unsure about the right talent to hire first. In this article, we’ll first explore the roles of data analysts, data scientists, and data engineers, and discuss the pros and cons of hiring each profile. We’ll also delve into how these roles fit into your company […]

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Five Years Helping Entrepreneurs Embrace AI

We celebrate the 5th anniversary of NILG.AI with immense pride and gratitude. Over the years, we’ve embarked on a transformative journey, and today, as we commemorate this milestone, we want to take a moment to reflect on our accomplishments and share our exciting plans for the future. NILG.AI Fifth Anniversary: A Year of Remarkable Achievements […]

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Making Money with Mediocre AI Models: A Guide for Business Stakeholders

In the world of AI, it’s easy to assume that only the most accurate models can bring value to your business. However, this is far from the truth. In fact, even mediocre models can be transformed into money-making machines with the right strategies. In this article, we’ll explore three real-life examples of how we turned […]

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Making Decisions in AI: Beyond Predictions

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become a prominent field, and many organizations are eager to harness its potential. However, there is a crucial aspect that often gets overlooked: the decision-making process. After more than 10 years of working in AI, I firmly believe that instead of focusing solely on predictions, we should prioritize how AI can […]

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Artificial Intelligence in Real Estate

While many industries have benefited from Artificial Intelligence, Real Estate is essentially a virgin territory to apply AI. This blog post will show you how you can transform Real Estate with AI, the key consumers of these solutions, and the challenges the industry faces in its adoption. Suppose you are running a Multiple Listing Service, […]

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Insights from UPTEC NON STOP

Last month, we participated in UPTEC NON-STOP, an event celebrating the 15th anniversary of UPTEC. UPTEC is the Science and Technology Park at the University of Porto, where businesses and academia meet to exchange ideas. During the event, local startups incubated at UPTEC (NILG.AI included), and French startups promoted by Accelerateur M pitched their business to […]

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Turning classes into inputs

Let’s face it, we all have worked on an ML project where we had to predict a ridiculously high number of classes. Large enough to make the number of observations per class into an embarrassingly small subset. Most people model these tasks as a multiclass classification problem where, for each input observation, we must predict […]

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A new era has arrived for NILG.AI

Happy birthday! Today is NILG.AI’s fourth anniversary. Happy birthday to us! For most humans, birthdays are a synonym for getting older and leaving the good days of the youth behind. For companies, they are a moment to reflect on everything we achieved, recognize how far we have come, and envision how far we will go. […]

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2018, …, 2021, 2022! A review of our path

December and January are the months where we meditate about the path we just covered and the one we are discovering. Below, you will find a coarse picture of our path. Although it hasn’t been a flat straight path, its direction hasn’t changed. We keep committed to building a knowledge-driven reliable ecosystem to make AI […]

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Keyboard Layout Optimization for ALS Patients

In case you missed it, you may find below our webinar in collaboration with DSSG. For most of us, typing is the easiest part of transmitting a written message: we type and walk without even looking at the keyboard. I rewrote this abstract 3-4 times – writing wasn’t the issue, the message was. For ALS […]

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An Overview of Churn Prediction

Churn prediction – tandem with engagement – is probably the most wanted use case we get from Marketing departments across industries. For those of you that do not know what churn is, basically it’s associated with customers that will leave your company/services. So, it shouldn’t be a surprise that companies put a lot of effort […]

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Closing Remarks from 2020 and insights of our practice

, Over the last two years, we have worked intensively to create a reliable ecosystem for developing AI projects. Our long-term objective is to become an incubator for AI projects, ensuring higher levels of success than the industry standards. In our consulting practice as an AI company in Portugal, we face every project with a […]

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Artificial Intelligence at COVID19

Every aspect of our daily routines was hit by COVID this year, from our work and industries to social interactions. Nine months have passed since we started lockdowns, and the numbers are still increasing. So, in this article we wanted to discuss what we can do with Artificial Intelligence at COVID-19. The general public opinion […]

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Fighting cervical cancer with Artificial Intelligence

In case you missed it. You may find below our webinar on the Symposium on Bioengineering 2020 at FEUP. Also, we reply to some answers that we didn’t have time to answer during the talk. Abstract Despite being easily preventable, cervical cancer remains a leading cause of death among women — the main reason behind […]

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A leaking faucet showing a careless management of water sources, typical behavior on fraud detection
Who is tampering your meters? Fraud detection in Utilities

Meter tampering is a common threat to the business side of utility services and a public security threat, incurring uncontrolled tweaks that may increase the risk of accidents. So, fraud detection is core for any utility service company. The presence of users that manipulate the network typically translates to an increased service price for the […]

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AI in healthcare: from disease to society

Artificial Intelligence certainly has an impact on every industry and aspect of our daily lives. One of the hottest topics is the application of AI in healthcare though still mostly in a retrospective (in silico) validation scenario and not on actual large-scale randomized trials. While we work on achieving General Artificial Intelligence (or at least […]

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An AI blog for business and technical people

At NILG.AI, we worked hard to become an active member of the Data Science community in Portugal, which has played a fundamental role in our initial growth by building an ever-growing network of people and ideas. This AI blog is a new way of giving back to the community by creating a space for continuous […]

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